The most helpful series to come along in decades
Power Confessions: Volume Three
The third of three books in this series. You won't be the same in Christ.
In Volume Three, youi will find inspiration in three dynamic areas vital to helping you overcome in your Christian life.
Part One: I am a Child of God
Find over 40 Power Confessions connecting you directly to your Father in heaven. You'll forge a new bond with God, all based on truths from the Holy Bible.
Part Two: I have New Life in Him
This set of Power Confessions will lift you from a mundane, ordinary walk with God to the extraordinary level of a Power Christian. You'll find new life in over 40 new Power Confessions.
Part Three: I worship the Lord in Praise and Thanksgiving
This is Worship at its best Your heart will sing, and you will be refreshed daily. Read one of these each morning, carry it with you through the day, and every situation you experience will be changed
You will find four months of daily Power Confessions, enough to last you 130 days, between the covers of this book. You won't regret your purchase of this outstanding volume.