"Borsch helps us feel our way into the text.... We experience the healing of a dumb man from within the consciousness of the tormented victim. We climb inside the skin of Andrew and feel his smug contempt for pagans and Gentiles, and his impatience with the Syrophoenician woman. With the flick of the writer's pen, we are that desperate woman. Served up with substantial biblical and theological commentary and laced with engaging experiences from the author's life, these stories bridge the gap between past history and contemporary interests and invite us to further study and reflection."
-- Jerry K. Robbins, West Virginia University
"This is a 'comforting' book in the original meaning of the word. Like Elijah we are strengthened for the journey which we must of necessity make. We may not know exactly where we are going, but it is good to know that we have this kind of company along the way."
-- John S. Ruef, Anglican Theological Review
"When one first picks up this book one feels enriched by being in the presence of an exceptional storyteller.... Borsch has given us much more than a book of stories. He has significantly closed the gap between the preacher and the scholar."
-- John Stone Jenkins, St Luke's Journal of Theology