THE POWER OF THE SPOKEN WORD takes you to the heart of Florence Scovel Shinn's teachings by emphasizing the importance of affirmations and how they change your life. Our words have the power to change our lives. By paying more attention to how we speak, and hence how...
2016 Reprint of 1959 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Our words have the power to change our lives. By paying more attention to how we speak, and hence how we think, we can change our circumstances for the better...
The Power of the Spoken Word, by Florence Scovel Shinn, is short, simple, and to the point. The affirmations Shinn gives in this book do bring a sense of peace and instill faith. In this book, she writes of vibrations, karma, of emotions being the reason of disease, of being...
Our words have the power to change our lives. By paying more attention to how we speak, and hence how we think, we can change our circumstances for the better. The Power of the Spoken Word will help you make the positive changes that you've always wanted to...
?Est?s consciente de la fuerza que tienen tus palabras? ?Has pensado que tus miedos, tu infelicidad o tu falta de ?xito se deben a las ideas que se alojan en tu mente? Las palabras que te dices a ti mismo son capaces de llevarte a donde t? desees, desde el m?s oscuro abismo de...
"I have weapons ye know not of " Words have power. In The Power of the Spoken Word Florence Scovel Shinn lays a path showing how words have an enormous power and that God's gift to man is "power and dominion over all created things; his mind, his body, and affairs...All unhappiness...
"Si sigue sel camino m gico de la intuici n, huir s de todas las dificultades y crear s un camino recto hacia tu demostraci n". Escuchar a la intuici n y tener fe en la Gu a Divina que habita en nuestro interior es lo que Florece Scovel Shinn afirma como la manera plena de vivir...