Discover a stick fighting method that actually works in the streets of today.
This training manual focuses on the most practical stick fighting techniques for self-defense.
It combines stick fighting techniques from a variety of Kali Arnis grandmasters. Although highly effective, the training and techniques are easy to learn.
Now you can learn stick-fighting adapted for the streets of today, because this training manual has all the exercises you need.
Get it now.
Learn Street-Effective Stick Fighting
The single best strike which will end 99% of street-based confrontations!Strike drills covering all angles of attack.Proper stance and movement to get the most power from your strikes.Little known but very effective snatch techniques to take your opponent's weapon.... and much more.
Versatile, Modern, and Practical
The Arnis stick is one of the most versatile martial arts weapons.
You can apply the techniques in this stick fighting book to a wide range of common items such as:
Half a pool cueUmbrellaWooden stakeStick on the ground, etc.This flexibility makes it very practical for self-defense.
Suitable for Women, Men, Young, and Old
Learn everything you need to train in this practical method of modern Arnis.
Clear and simple instructions.Easy to follow diagrams.Flow drills to make the techniques instinctive.Limited Time Only...
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This publication has the approval of Peter Sunbye, creator of Vortex Control Self-Defense.
Teach yourself Practical Arnis Stick Fighting today, because the traditional stuff doesn't work on the streets.
Get it now.