This is by far the most excellent series of historically based fiction that I have ever read. I was there with the soldiers as they were fighting for the freedom and liberty that we hold so dear today. I had to put an extra blanket on my bed while I was reading about the conditions that were suffered through during the winter. I was ducking for cover as the cannons thundered and the musket balls whistled past. The interlacing...
I read the first three volums of this series, and they were spell binding. After reading each of these books, I shared them with my friends, who also couldn't put them down. I am now hoping that there will be a vol. 4. For any one who wants to learn about for formation of our country, these books are a must. I highly recomend them for any one who is a member of the Daughters of the American Revelution. Understanding...
My husband and I are in our 60's and it has been a long time since we studied American history. Neither one of us understood or remembered many things about the American Revolution that we studied years ago. These books have brought us a better understanding of the American Revolution. We highly recommend it especially for high school age youth. History will come alive for them. We have always appreciated our forefathers,...
the reason that I liked this book so well is that I did not know much about the revolutionary war, I learned more true facts than I did in school with a twist of love throughout the book it held my attention. It was easy reading, it's hard to wate for the vol 2 great book I recomend it.