There is a lot of confusion around what it means to live entirely off the grid. For most people, living off-grid is synonymous with the life of a caveman. They think that all there is to off-grid living is wearing animal skin and cooking food on top of an open fire. Other people think it is isolating oneself in a log cabin out in the woods without communicating with society. However, is that really what it means to live a self-sufficient lifestyle?
In this book, we explain the fundamentals of living off the grid, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to get started on your own self-sufficiency journey. Our goal is to educate interested readers on the importance of building a self-sufficient lifestyle, especially with the current events happening in the world. It's always important to stay prepared for natural disasters and potential societal collapses. It's also important to completely rely on yourself when it comes to your own needs. Imagine how much of an impact you'll have on the overall carbon footprint when you ditch conventional fossil fuel-powered services and utilities.