The Principles of Golf Architecture intends to describe the details of the golf course design process as concisely as possible, first by defining both the Elements and Principles of Design in general terms and then relating these concepts to the art and science of golf architecture.
Richard Mandell tackles the often ambiguous elements of Line, Form, Shape, and Texture, among others, and describes their application to the design of golf courses, from layout to details such as putting green design. In addition, he breaks down the universal principles of design such as Balance, Emphasis, Rhythm, and Variety and their utilization in golf architecture. Mandell brings his own principles to the process as well, such as Challenge, Chance, Mystery, Quirk, Randomness, and Subtlety.
Utilizing a multitude of course photos, sketches, and drawings to supplement the text, Mandell weaves together design theory, historical perspective, operational considerations, and construction practices to provide the reader with his perspective of what it takes to design and build a course from the golf architect's drawing table to fruition. Principles of Golf Architecture is a compendium of Mandell's forty years of experience, sharing his own thought process and design approach with the reader every step of the way.