This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the field ofprocess management in design and construction in order to meet thebusiness needs of the construction industry as they change intoday's highly competitive global environment.
It identifies the current state of the industry in the processmanagement field, describing trends and developments (includinginformation technology), and demonstrates these through case studyevidence. Practical guidance is offered by identifying potentialpitfalls, illustrating best practise drawn from construction andappropriate manufacturing applications. The overall approach is aholistic one, based on practical experience gained throughout thepast decade both in the academic and industrial environments, including leading a number of research projects on process and ITrelated topics in construction and manufacturing industries.
Process Management in Design and Construction willprovide students on construction and project management relatedcourses with a description of the state of process management indesign and construction - including current process models -as well as a future vision based on up-to-date research findingsand good practice in the construction industry. The book alsooffers practical guidance to industrial and consultancyorganisations on undertaking and implementing process managementprojects - including re-engineering their customer deliveryprocesses through effective project