In the summer of 2017, Production. Made in Germany Three«, presented at the three art institutions Kestner Gesellschaft, Kunstverein Hannover and Sprengel Museum Hannover, takes a look at the multifaceted and diverse art scene in Germany. The third edition of Made in Germany« focuses on production conditions for art in Germany, and the question of how geographic, political and institutional structures as well as new technologies create vital prerequisites for the production of art. By focusing on current production conditions, the show examines to what extent art production might have been redefined. During the five years since the last exhibition, a post-digital generation has grown up and changed art with new networks, apps and DIY instructions. From an international point of view, Germany still has a unique density of institutions (art academies, art colleges, art associations and museums), and the scene in Germany is also one of the most agile production sites in this latest art. Three main aspects form the focus of exhibition and book: 1. space, in the sense of the place of production, location and environment; 2. time, in the sense of work process, narrative and speed; 3. production structure, in the sense of cooperation and network. Ephemeral art forms and site-specific installations boom, artists create blogs, offspaces and free spaces for any kind of activity. The expansion of their global mobility, their affiliations with groups of artists, and participation in a demanding art market are aspects of a much-accelerated production.
Kestner Gesellschaft, Kunstverein Hannover, Sprengel Museum Hannover, June 3 - September 3, 2017
Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, Olga Balema, Julius von Bismarck, Juliette Blightman, Katinka Bock, BPA-Berlin Program for Artists, Carina Brandes, Das Numen, Henning Fehr & Philipp R hr, Kasia Fudakoswki, Sascha Hahn, Lena Henke, Calla Henkel & Max Pitegoff, IMPURE FICTION, Daniel Knorr, Schirin Kretschmann, Veit Laurenz Kurz, Oliver Laric, Amy Lien & Enzo Camacho, Lotte Lindner & Till Steinbrenner, lonelyfingers, Peles Empire, Willem de Rooij, Thomas Ruff, Yorgos Sapountzis, Timur Si-Qin, Hito Steyrl, Studio for Propositional Cinema, Raphaela Vogel