"Speedy, exhilarating, and smooth. Nobody does it better." -- Washington Post "The man knows how to grab you--and Pronto is one of the best grabbers in years." -- Entertainment Weekly Fans of U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens of the hit TV series Justified are in for a major treat...
"Speedy, exhilarating, and smooth. Nobody does it better." -- Washington Post "The man knows how to grab you--and Pronto is one of the best grabbers in years." -- Entertainment Weekly Fans of U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens of the hit TV series Justified are in for a major treat...
"Speedy, exhilarating, and smooth. Nobody does it better." -- Washington Post "The man knows how to grab you--and Pronto is one of the best grabbers in years." -- Entertainment Weekly Fans of U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens of the hit TV series Justified are in for a major treat...
Harry Arno was grossing six to seven thousand dollars a week running a South Miami Beach gambling operation. To protect his position, he was forced to cut a deal with the local muscle, Jimmy Capotorto (Jimmy Cap to the likes of Harry), an even fifty-fifty split. For years Harry...
Harry Arno was grossing six to seven thousand dollars a week running a South Miami Beach gambling operation. To protect his position, he was forced to cut a deal with the local muscle, Jimmy Capotorto (Jimmy Cap to the likes of Harry), an even fifty-fifty split. For years Harry...