PART I - Experimental methods
1. Experimental Characterisation Of Protein Complex Structure, Dynamics, and Assembly
Jonathan N. Wells and Joseph A. Marsh
2. High-Throughput Electron Cryo-Tomography of Protein Complexes and their Assembly
Louie D. Henderson and Morgan Beeby
3. Preparation of Tunable Microchips to Visualize Native Protein Complexes for Single Particle Electron Microscopy
Brian L. Gilmore, A. Cameron Varano, William Dearnaley, Yanping Liang, Bridget C. Marcinkowski, Madeline J. Dukes, and Deborah F. Kelly
4. Time-resolved Cryo-Electron Microscopy Using a Microfluidic Chip
Sandip Kaledhonkar, Ziao Fu, Howard White and Joachim Frank
5. Characterizing Protein-protein Interactions using Solution NMR
Jose Luis Ortega-Roldan, Martin Blackledge and Malene Ringkj bing Jensen
6. Reconstitution of Isotopically Labeled Ribosomal Protein L29 in the 50S Large Ribosomal Subunit For Solution-state and Solid-state NMR
Emeline Barbet-Massin, Eli van der Sluis, Joanna Musial, Roland Beckmann, and Bernd Reif
7. Characterizing Protein-Protein Interactions using Deep Sequencing Coupled to Yeast Surface DisplayAngelica V. Medina-Cucurella and Timothy A. Whitehead
8. Structurally Guided In Vivo Crosslinking
Johanna C. Scheinost and Thomas G. Gligoris
9. Characterising Intact Macromolecular Complexes using Native Mass Spectrometry Elisabetta Boeri Erba, Luca Signor, Mizar F. Oliva, Fabienne Hans, and Carlo Petosa
10. Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry to Study Protein ComplexesBrent A. Kochert, Roxana E. Iacob, Thomas E. Wales, Alexandros Makriyannis, and John R. Engen
11. Structural Analysis of Protein Complexes by Cross-linking and Mass-spectrometry
Moriya Slavin and Nir Kalisman
12. Global Characterization of Protein Complexes by Biochemical Purification-mass Spectrometry (BP/MS)
Reza Pourhaghighi and Andrew Emili
13. Proteomic Profiling of Integrin Adhesion Complex Assembly
Adam Byron
14. Dual-Color and 3D Super-Resolution Microscopy of Multi-protein Assemblies
Philipp Hoess, Markus Mund, Manuel Reitberger and Jonas Ries
15. Correlative 3D Structured Illumination Microscopy and Single Molecular Localisation Microscopy for Imaging Cancer Invasion
Shannon J.L. Pinnington, John F. Marshall and Ann P. Wheeler16. Observing the Assembly of Protein Complexes In Living Eukaryotic Cells In Super-resolution using refSOFI
Fabian Hertel, Gary C.H. Mo, Peter Dedecker and Jin Zhang
17. Detecting Purinosome Metabolon Formation with Fluorescence Microscopy
Anthony M. Pedley and Stephen J. Benkovic
18. Analysis of Bacterial pilus Assembly by Shearing and Immunofluorescence Microscopy
Areli Luna-Rico, Jenny-Lee Thomassin and Olivera Francetic
19. Expression, Purification and Assembly of Archaellum Subcomplexes of Sulfolobus Acidocaldarius
Paushali Chaudhury, Patrick Tripp, and Sonja-Verena Albers
20. Unstable Protein Purification through the Formation of Stable Complexes
Sylvia Eiler, Nicolas Levy, Benoit Maillot, Julien Batisse, Karine Pradeau Aubreton, Oyindamola Oladosu, and Marc Ruff
21. Expressing Multi-subunit Complexes using biGBac
Florian Weissmann and Jan-Michael Peters
PART II - Computational Methods
22. Computational Modelling of Protein Complex Structure and Assembly
Jonathan N.