Whether you're in the prime of your life or the Autumn of your life it's a good idea to
plan for the unfortunate event of not being able to manage your own affairs.
By completing the information set out in this book it will not only help you to put your affairs in
order, it will help your family and friends to manage them if need be.
Then when your time comes as it must to all of us, it will be so much easier for friends
and loved ones to make sure your wishes are carried out. Pardon the pun but you can
truly rest in peace.
The book written in the UK and is a good size being 7.44" x 9..69" - 103 pages, with various topics in each of the following sections:
Personal DetailsFinance DetailsImmediate Family ContactsOther Family & Friends ContactsHouse Keeping InformationInsurance Policy InformationMy Digital PresenceKeep It To YourselfCollecting Important DocumentsGetting The Last WordEach section has been set out with templates for you to complete along with blanks in case there are other items you wish to add. There are also additional pages at the back for further items such as letters, notes or changes at a later date.