Qigong Massage, one of the oldest methods of healing, is built upon five thousand years of progress and a highly refined, solid theoretical foundation.
Used to improve health, slow down aging, and treat many types of illnesses, Qigong massage is a wide and deep healing science, and the root of many other popular forms of massage therapy.
This comprehensive text by world renowned Qigong scholar, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, presents the fundamental techniques and theory of Qigong massage that therapists can use to enhance their skills, and deepen their knowledge and application of Qi (energetic) healing.
Not only for therapists Novices will find the instruction and techniques in this book practical and useful for recovering from fatigue, aches and pains, tension and more. A special section on Self-Massage is presented to help those in need of massage treatment benefits, but who lack a partner or therapist.
With over five hundred photographs and illustrations in this book, Dr. Yang will be your guide into the art and science of Chinese Qigong Massage.