"...Good words. That's where ideas begin." -- Dr. David Marcus to Admiral James T. Kirk, Star Trek(R) II: The Wrath of Khan(TM) It makes us wonder. It makes us smile. But most of all, it makes us think. More than any other single aspect, Star Trek is defined by the strength of its ideas. For decades this television and movie phenomenon has reached out to its audience, spanning generations and inspiring them not simply with the power of its voice, but with the meaning behind it. Quotable Star Trek demonstrates the truly universal appeal of Gene Roddenberry's extraorinary creation. Words of wit, wisdom, and compelling insight applicable to everyday life from The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation(R), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine(R), Star Trek Voyager(R), and eight Star Trek motion pictures have been meticulously researched and collected in one volume. Intensely thought-provoking and thoroughly entertaining, Quotable Star Trek has something for everyone, and is a must-have resource for every devoted fan.
This book is a treasure. Something to be sampled in small doses, to stretch out the experience. Another reviewer was right -- the quotes live up to the blurb on the back. Jill Sherwin did a great job. This is an absolute must-have, or at least must-read. P.S. The pictures are pretty good, too.
It makes us think...
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 24 years ago
The back of this book is correct: "It makes us laugh, it makes us smile, but most of all, it makes us think". Star Trek was and still is a phenomenon that does not die. And the most important aspect of it was the message it got accross, what was being said. This book puts together all the best quotes, plus ones that I never really thought about until I saw them in here. Sometimes when I watched the shows I never really realized the subtle importance of a line of dialogue. When I read this, it showed me. Most of the book can be picked up and read by anyone, but the last three chapters or so are for the fans. Especially the one that is called "For the Fans". I constantly pick up this book, open to any random page, and start reading. I suggest this to any fan, and to anyone who likes to think. It is truly great. And, like it says, "The Human Adventure is Just Beginning" (text superimposed at the end of The Motion Picture).
Quotable Star Trek
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 25 years ago
I very much enjoyed this book. The author has sifted through 32 years of Star Trek history, and found the most memorable, and touching words contained therein. The book even included a quote that was never mentioned in all of Star Trek, "Beam me up Scotty." I also like the way the author divided the book into different chapters, defining what Star Trek is, and what it has been. I look forward to some kind of sequel.
I love this book!!
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 25 years ago
"I'm so vulnerable to her...all she has to do is smile atme and I'm happy beyond reason. A minor disagreement between us andI'm devasted...it's absurd! Sometimes I wish I could reach inside myself and tear out my feelings for her. But I can't" Odo to female shapeshifter, on Kira. I'm a hopeless romantic, and I was thrilled when I found that quote! Its my favorite! But it was hard to choose a favorite because the whole book is great. Some of the quotes can remind of the show, or even of your own life. You don't have to like Star Trek to enjoy it (though it helps).
Relive the best moments, through the the best lines....
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 26 years ago
If you ever sat there and said, "Wow! That is so true. I wish I said that!" Now you can. Relive some of the most "Mind Opening" moments in the world of STAR TREK. By reading the same words and lines, that kept Trek going for over 30years! Broken down by topic, you can easly find the quote to fit your mood or upcoming speech. Or just to put a smile on your face.... "Even in the darkest moments, you can always find something that'll make you smile." (DS9/"In the Cards") I feel, this books will do just that. I'm keeping my copy at work... for up coming speeches and a much needed laugh. "The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play." (TOS/"Shore Leave")
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