We all have changes we could make to increase the quality of our life and the lives of those around us. Unfortunately traditional self-improvement techniques are known to have success rates as low as 3%. But Rabbit to the Moon will show you how to make big changes in any of your life, your health, money, relationships, and making your passion project a reality. Rabbit to the Moon will show you how through...
Set points are our fundamental models of the world, how we think the world works. By changing these set points we can make big change happen, automatically and easily. Rabbit to the Moon is filled with useful tools to help you change your set points:
Being Top of Mind - how to use visualizations, affirmations, and sigils (an ancient technique to make big change) to change your set points
Logic it Out - use logic to change your model of the world
Hero Identification - how role models can help us with our big change
Action Orientation - how focusing on action over thinking can change set points
Archetypes - how to pull out the best parts of yourself
The Power of ArchetypesArchetypes are powerful parts of our identity. Rabbit to the Moon shows you how to use these archetypes for big change:
The Royal - archetype of inspiration
The Magician - archetype of thinking and analyzing
The Wild One - archetype of being in the moment
The Warrior - archetype of self-discipline and being on a mission
The Lover - archetype of loving life, being positive
The ChangeologistCurtis Bennett is a Changeologist. He studies, researches and experiments with various change techniques. Rabbit to the Moon contains the very best techniques for personal change.
Read Rabbit to the Moon now and learn how to make big change