A centuries-old flower of love has claimed its place in high-end floral shops and wedding bouquets.
"Consumers now understand that this flower has a great vase life and comes in many different colors. In addition, the available varieties have seen some big improvements in the last years." -- Floral Daily, October 2021
In the language of flowers, ranunculus (aka buttercup) is a symbol of seduction, charm, and attractiveness. It was particularly popular for bouquets in the Victorian era and has made a strong comeback as a bloom for modern-day wedding bouquets. It is the flower of the moment, as gardeners, florists, and alpine enthusiasts all over the world embrace the possibilities of this plant once more. From the wild plants of the high mountains to species that thrive in pond margins or flourish in fast-flowing streams; from the familiar golden flower of lawn and meadow to the most popular cultivated forms, buttercups are variable. And though some seem impossibly delicate, many are excellent garden plants.
This guide delves into a genus that is widespread and intriguing. Florists' ranunculus, with their sumptuous, layered, tissue-paper petals and myriad colors are prized as an early season alternative to roses and peonies.
It's the summer of Barbie and we're here for it! If you're also still luxuriating in the pink, sparkly buzz of Barbie, feel free to dive deeper into some of its compelling vibes and themes with these tailored reading recs.