The decision whether to quit your job is rarely an easy one.
Our job is not just a means to an end. We spend a huge chunk of our precious time working. It often forms the foundation of our social lives. It's a huge part of our identity.
So when you feel like quitting, the decision of whether you're really ready to or not can be all-consuming and exhausting.
'Ready to quit your job?' has been written with the sole intention of making the decision-making process easier, and even fun The author Yeşim Nicholson takes you through a tried and tested framework that ensures your decision is well thought-through rather than a knee-jerk reaction to a bad day in the office.
You'll find this book light-hearted, informative, thought-provoking, fun and dotted with inspiring anecdotes of people who have made big and small changes to their careers to find joy in the work they do.
Yeşim Nicholson is an International career coach, host of podcast 'Your Big Career Move' and speaker on all things career-related.