I used this book to learn system analysis and design while taking graduate course. The book is well-written and the layout is pretty good. The authors broke down the information in such way you can understand easily. The book also has some exercises that help you practice what you learn. I kept the book and plan to use it a reference. I will recommend it if you are serious about learning System Analysis and Design.
Jeffrey Hoffer put together a strong book with his co-authors. I have not only used this text in the class room, but have had Hoffer as a professor. Let me be the first to say that this man knows his stuff. Beyond that, this book was amazing, it has covered anything in the systems analysis and design stages that I have seen and used in the real world. Unfortunatly his focus during codeing programs, is on CASE rather than modelers...
I just finished a system analysis & design course with this text book. A through-semester project was also done. Actually, I had a chance to compare severals book on System Analysis & Design. My bottom line for this book is that this book is the one currently most worth to buy. Its throughful and easy-to-understand explanation for each SDLC step, how it's applied in real business situation and all possible tools for each...
This is a very recommended book for those people that are studying Systems Analysis and Design, because it explains in a simple mode the most complicated things; and includes another methodologies further the structured (like OO and RAD)!. If you are looking for a complete book in Systems, this is The book.Also recommended: Systems Analysis and Design; Julie and Kenneth Kendall.
Discusses in detail about each phase of SDLC and the people and tools related to the Information Systems Developement. Excellent book for students doing Systems analysis and design.