The context for understanding global climate change today liesin the records of Earth's past. This is demonstrated bydecades of paleoclimate research by scientists in organizationssuch as the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), the AntarcticGeological Drilling Program (ANDRILL), and many others.
The purpose of this full colour textbook is to put key data andpublished case studies of past climate change at your fingertips, so that you can experience the nature of paleoclimatereconstruction.
Using foundational geologic concepts, students explore awide variety of topics, including: marine sediments, agedetermination, stable isotope paleoclimate proxies, Cenozoicclimate change, climate cycles, polar climates, and abrupt warmingand cooling events, students are invited to evaluate publishedscientific data, practice developing and testing hypotheses, andinfer the broader implications of scientific results.
It is our philosophy that addressing how we know is asimportant as addressing what we know about past climatechange. Making climate change science accessible is the goal ofthis book.
This book is intended for earth science students at a variety oflevels studying paleoclimatology, oceanography, Quaternary science, or earth-system science.
Additional resources for this book can be found at: http: //