Dick Hamm has written an informative, insightful, and inspirational book on congregational transformation for mainline Protestant congregations. With Dick's experience in the Christian Church [Disciples of Christ] as a pastor and denominational leader, he understands the dilemma faced by many mainline congregations. In this volume he effectively communications a pathway for these congregations to experience being recreated...
Richard Hamm understands church leadership from the inside out. He currently serves as the first executive leader for the broadest-based ecumenical collaboration in the US, Christian Churches Together. Before that, he was the General Minister and President of a mainline denomination. Before that, he served as a regional minister (a middle judicatory pastor, a bishop), and before that as a gifted congregational pastor and...
This excellent resource for ministry in congregatons covers the bases. It is a book about context. The context for congregational ministries both empowers and limits the work of a congegation. Dr. Hamm has offered dozens of ways of analyzing the context for mainline congregations in this first part of the 21st Century. His writing is both informational and inspirational. He helps people in congregations understand the...
Here is another helpful resource for anyone who works with churches and church organizations in this rapidly changing context. Hamm is a credible coach with decades of celebrated investment in all facets of church life. Those of us who have worked with Dick know him as a gifted leader and a serious disciple of Jesus Christ. What makes this book so particularly useful is the way it reads. If you ever enjoyed viewing Rick...
It's no secret: Mainline Protestantism has suffered dramatically in membership losses and influence these past few decades. Where once Mainline denominations were the dominant force in American religious life, others have taken their place. Whether or not that's to change is yet to be seen. Richard Hamm offers the Mainline churches a manifesto that calls on these historic churches to essentially seize the day and embrace...