This unique Recycling Notebook is a great way to track the many ways that you protect our earth and the environment. Everyone needs to recycle, reuse and reduce to help do their part to save the earth with green living. Great for school, work, travel or home. Each inside page contains prompts for writing:
DateHow Did I Help The Environment Today?What Can I Reuse?My Recycling List For TodayToday I Love Earth Because. . .How Did I Reduce My Waste Today?There is plenty of blank lined space you can write different ideas, lists and personal notes. Will make a wonderful gift for those special people in your life who want to make a difference in the world by doing their part, men, women, boys & girls alike. Be an example and raise awareness. Journals are an awesome way to keep your important information all in one place. Grab one today Size is 6x9 inches, 102 page, soft matte finish cover, white paper, paperback.