Chelsea McGovern's dream of attending art school ended when a teenage prank cost her the scholarship she desperately needed. Now, ten years later, her art is finally paying the bills. Well, with the help of all her bartending shifts, that is.
Maia Abraham has spent her life studying great white sharks. After one of her journal publications makes big waves, an unexpected opportunity arises, and Maia drops everything to dive headfirst into the shark-filled waters off Cape Cod. To become a full-time artist, Chelsea needs to prioritize better, but she can't stop daydreaming about the gorgeous scientist across the bar. And while Maia's research stint requires all her focus, she's unable to resist the charming local with the flirty smile. Their summer romance is heating up when a D-list celebrity's Shark Week television stunt endangers Maia and exposes the truth about Chelsea's past. Can their love survive this perfect storm?