Subtitled "The Photographic Eye of Jack E. Thompson, Reflections Through A Special Lens is a tribute to the author's late father. Jack Thompson was a well-known photographer and newspaper editor in Parry Sound, Ontario. The author, Stephen Thompson, has assembled 50 of his father's black and white photographs of the rocks, clouds, trees, wind and water, and some birds, insects and plants, of the Parry Sound area on Georgian Bay. The photos of this collection date from 1952 to 2002 and were specially selected to represent the span of Jack's photographic career and to honour his own desire to publish a book of similar photographs. Reflections from the title reveals many of the photographic images in the book, since Jack was often looking for reflected images to complete the photographic tales of his compositions, to provide a hint of "the bigger picture." Reflections also describes Stephen Thompson's thoughts, interpretations, remembrances and analyses when revisiting his father's body of work. In addition to Jack Thompson's photographs, the author has included a selection of his own black and white images from the Carden plain and Haliburton areas of Ontario. As a special tribute to his father's generational influence, the author has also included a series of his son Alex's black and white photography. Alex Thompson is Jack Thompson's grandson and his selections come from the Gatineau, Quebec region.