1 Introduction
Religion and place: landscape, politics and piety
Elizabeth Olson, Peter Hopkins and Lily Kong
2 Christian evangelizing across national boundaries: technology, cultural capital and the intellectualization of religion
Lily Kong
3 New cities in the Muslim world: the cultural politics of planning an 'Islamic' city
Sarah Moser
4 Metaphors to live by: identity formation and resistance among minority Muslims in IsraelNimrod Luz5 Myth, miramiento and the making of religious landscapes
Elizabeth Olson
6 'You can't know how they are inside': the ambivalence of veiling and discourses of the other in Turkey
Banu G?karıksel and Anna Secor
7 Different democracy? Arab immigrants, religion and democratic citizenship
Lynn Staeheli and Caroline Nagel
8 'It is a church, not a shelter!' Space, Religion and Migrants in inner city Johannesburg
Barbara Bompani
9 Homo Religiosus? Religion and Immigrant Subjectivities
David Ley and Justin Tse
10 'There's just no space for me there': Christian Feminists in the UK and the performance of space and religion.
Giselle Vincett
11 Somewhere between religion and spirituality? Places of retreat in contemporary Britain
David Conradson
12 The Space that Faith Makes: Towards a (hopeful) Ethos of Engagement
Julian Holloway