Do you have Kidney Disease or Kidney Failure but don't know what is causing this problem?
You Are About To Learn How You Can Effectively Manage Kidney Failure And Improve Your Kidney Function With The Renal DietBeing diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) can feel like you've just been handed the death sentence. However, a large proportion of those that have been diagnosed with kidney disease have been able to live normal lives for decades irrespective of whichever stage their CKD was at the time of diagnosis so there is hope.
But how do they do that, you might ask?
The answer is taking perfect control of their potassium, sodium and phosphorus levels through the renal diet to slow down or stop the progression of CKD.
And you too should do the same...
Even if your doctor may have mentioned the need to change your diet to one that helps you control potassium, sodium and phosphorous levels, it is okay if you still have questions....
What's the link between sodium, potassium and phosphorus and kidney problems?
What exactly is a renal diet?
What does it do?
How does it work and what effects does it bring?
What benefits can you expect from following a renal diet?
How do you adopt a renal diet to deal with kidney disease effectively?
Has it been scientifically proven to work?
What happens if you don't follow a renal diet?
Can it work for you even if your CKD is at stage 3 or stage 4?
If you have these and other related questions, this book is for you so keep reading, as it covers the ins and outs of CKD, including how to fight it using a renal diet.
More precisely, the book will teach you:Book 1: Kidney Disease Diet and Cookbook
Chapter 1: Introduction to Kidney DiseaseChapter 2: The Most Common Causes of Kidney DiseaseChapter 3: The Renal Diet and Its BenefitsChapter 4: Five Tips for Slowing Down Kidney DiseaseChapter 5: How to Limit Sodium, Potassium, and Phosphorus in Your Daily DietChapter 6: Which Foods to Limit to Safeguard Kidney FunctionChapter 7: Breakfast RecipesChapter 8: Lunch RecipesChapter 9: Dinner RecipesChapter 10: Dessert RecipesChapter 11: Renal Diet Meal PlanBook 2: Renal Diet Cookbook
Chapter 1: What You Need to Know About Kidney DiseaseChapter 2: The Connection Between Diet and Kidney DiseaseChapter 3: The Renal Diet and its BenefitsChapter 4: Three Tips to Slow Down Kidney DiseaseChapter 5: Start Your Diet Low Sodium, Protein, Potassium, and PhosphorusChapter 6: Answers to Frequently Asked QuestionsChapter 7: List of Juices and Drinks for the Renal DietChapter 8: Breakfast RecipesChapter 9: Lunch RecipesChapter 10: Dinner RecipesChapter 11: Snack RecipesChapter 12: Dessert RecipesCarmen Howard has a passion for explaining health topics in a way that anyone can understand. She hopes that readers will use the information she provides to make the positive changes that can lead to longer, healthier, happier lives.
And lucky for you, this book takes a beginner-friendly empathetic approach in explaining seemingly complex concepts to help you apply what you learn right away
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