Find dependable guidance for buying running shoes. Explore waysto maximize your training program. Discover the races you'llenjoy running. Coauthored by the "World's FastestWoman" and World Record holder Florence (Flo-Jo) GriffithJoyner, Running For Dummies has world-class advice on thesetopics and many more:
Nutrition and weight lossHitting your strideSpeed trainingReaching your peakThe day of the raceMarathon trainingIdentifying and treating injuriesCross-training and treadmill trainingRunning for kids and seniorsRun around the block or around town. Tired of pavement? Run throughthe woods. Keep track of your personal progress in handy runninglogs in the back of the book. Improve your health, feel good aboutyourself, and have fun With several million runners on the roadtoday, you'll find a lot of company, encouragement, andfriends benefiting from this healthy and fun activity.