This book documents the author's journey that began with a search for relief from his suffering and ended with more than he could have ever imagined. Depression and food allergies drove Eric Johnson to resign from his job and head to the Amazon rainforest of Peru with the hope that Ayahuasca would provide a cure. That trip led to meeting his partner Phoenyx in the Andes, who later introduced him to his teacher, an Ayahuasquero named Norberto. Eventually the opportunity of a lifetime emerged, as Eric and Phoenyx were invited to be caretakers for Norberto's isolated healing center located in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. In exchange for caring for the land while the owner was away traveling, they were given access to a beautiful temple and a bottle of Ayahuasca. Their initiation, built on the foundation that their teacher had provided, was learning how to work with this powerful plant without his direct supervision.
Two people alone on a wild and massive rainforest property without any neighbors within distance of sight or sound. It was and continues to be an epic exploration. Along the way Eric shows us that there is something more than this conventional lifestyle that most of us have accepted as the only option. Healing is possible, and when we continue beyond healing the potential for awakening and transformation awaits us. With all the challenges that humanity is facing today, the Modern Mind desperately needs access to Sacred Medicines. The Path is Open to those who are ready to take the first step.