Saddle Fit Simplified is a concise resource that demystifies saddle fit ... it gives you the underlying basic body anatomy essential for saddle fit, the principles of saddle placement, and a summary of the science of saddle fit.
This updated 2nd edition includes step-by-step instructions to measure your current saddle and how-to measure your horse. Then you simply combine the two sets of measurements to see how closely your saddle matches your horse.
Finally, the author has included a section on three quick equine bodywork massage exercises to use with your horse. These exercises will help you prevent saddle soreness and remove lingering body soreness in your horse from past saddle fitting problems .... problems that can be buried in your horse and show up even when you have a good fitting saddle.
Why invest in a book on saddle fit and equine bodywork? Because you want to know the answers to questions that you haven't gotten solutions to yet. Answers to ...
- Why your horse moves away when you bring the saddle out
- Why he nips, stomps or swishes his tail when you girth up
- Why your horse has mild lameness, stumbles, bucks, or spooks easily
- Why your horse has trouble bending in turns
- Why he's holding his head high and hollowing his back when you are riding
Saddle Fit Simplified will teach you how to become a detective and discover where those behaviors are coming from, because they can all be signs of body pain from saddle fitting problems.
Whether you are in the market to buy a saddle or are wondering about your current saddle, this book offers simple step-by-step instructions to help you evaluate saddles, it gives you a guide to measure horses and saddles for saddle fit, and it outlines three short and effective bodywork routines designed to release tension caused by saddles and hard riding.
Some people think a book of this price should be an encyclopedia ... but you already own those and they are mostly unread and gathering dust on a shelf somewhere; in other words, they aren't quick or simple enough. Consider the cost of horse training, equine supplements, or vet lameness bills ... an investment of your time and in the Saddle Fit Simplified system will give you noticable positive changes in your horse
This book may be small but it is an ACTIONABLE powerhouse And when you apply the easy-to-understand information within Saddle Fit Simplified, you are not only showing concern for your horses health and well-being, you are saving money in the long run by being proactive. But the best part is you reap the rich reward of a happy and satisfying partnership with your horse.
Rebecca Cook is an Occupational Therapist and Equine Professional with over 30 years of experience in the arena. She has authored 12 Steps to Integrity With Your Horse, Saddle Fit Simplified, and is also the author of The Brown Pony Series.