Safety professionals must prepare every day to safeguard their employees in the workplace. Additionally, part of every safety professional's responsibility is to safeguard their organization when a compliance inspection is conducted by federal, OSHA, or a state plan agency. Safety professionals are most organizations' onsite safety and health "expert" and should be prepared far in advance of an inspection. They should be prepared during the inspection, and ready to defend the organization after the inspection. With the increase in the monetary penalties, the impact on an organization as a result of identified violations can be substantial.
This text prepares and educates safety professionals to address every phase from strategies, to compliance, to defenses, and provides a one stop location for information to address and prepare the safety professional if/when OSHA knocks at the door.
Additionally, the safety function does not work in a vacuum. Other potential risks and potential liabilities from other laws, such as the ADA, which can impact the safety function, are also addressed. Safety professionals know that their organizations depend on their experience and expertise in their decision-making process.
Provides a legal prospective to prepare safety professionals for OSHA inspection and related potential risks Case studies to enhance learning and state-by-state listing of applicable laws and regulations Demonstrates an understanding of defense preparation and strategies for safety professionals The safety professional's "go to" book for compliance and inspections