The title character, thanks to a robot she made herself, meets Alphabots, an emissary of the Council of Elder Letters, who introduces her to the world of letters.
There's a lot going on there, and Alphabots himself saves Sally in a very difficult situation.
Learning at the basics is the key to success, it is a ticket to a better life. Children who can read and write do much better in school and
in life than those who have problems with it.
This book helps parents and their children acquire the first basic literacy skills, and this is the foundation for further learning.
____________________________________________________The book tells the story of a girl who, thanks to the robot she made, learns the secrets of letters. The reader will find an example that clearly shows how useful the knowledge of the alphabet and the ability to write are in life. This is a position addressed to young readers starting their adventure with letters and writing. The author tries to give the letters a distinctive character and specific personality traits. Did he succeed? Judge for yourself.