Strengthen family and community engagement to promote equity and increase student success
When schools, families, and communities collaborate and share responsibility for students′ education, more students succeed in school. Based on 30 years...
New Edition of Best Seller The latest edition of this long-time bestseller offers a research-based framework that guides state and district leaders, school principals, teachers, parents, and community partners to form Action Teams for Partnerships.
A practical guide on how to plan, implement and improve your school, family and community partnerships, this book takes you step-by-step from planning to implementation to results.
New Edition of Best Seller The latest edition of this long-time bestseller offers a research-based framework that guides state and district leaders, school principals, teachers, parents, and community partners to form Action Teams for Partnerships.
Build partnerships with families and the community to promote equity and student success This updated edition of a bestseller enables school, district, and state leaders to develop more effective programs for family and community involvement. The...