I am certain the book is fantastic. Joe always carried his heart in all his dealings on behalf of the downtrodden. We met in 1949 when I had just arrived from Puerto Rico which seems like yesterday. In 1965 I was part of the great New York Yankees team which Joe and his brother Frank knew so well as batboys.
While unlike many other people who have read this book by seeing it on the shelf or being told how good it was I was told to read it by the author of it...Joe Carrieri. I met Joe on many occasions as I would work the morning shifts at the local Foodtown/Shoprite in the neighborhood and he would always be in every weekend. One day while talking about the yankees he told me about his bok and the next time I was in the book...
This book will make you yearn for the time that athletes felt a responsibilty to the fans. While not angels, the athletes of the 40s and 50s at least loved to play the game and had an innocent quality lacking in today's athletes, who are merely interested in their own pleasure, and don't even seem to enjoy it. This book will make you feel good.
My favorite story was that of the "case of the missing bat" It lead my mind to a better place, one of more simple time. I wounder who really has Al Rosen's bat????????
I loved this book. It's the story of young Joe Carrieri and his quest to become a Yankee batboy. The story takes place in the late 1940's and early 1950's, this was during the Yankees dynasty were they won 5 world series in a row. In the story you get to know all the Yankee greats of that time, Joe Dimaggio,Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, Billy Martin. When I was reading the book I couldn't help but to compare yesterdays athletes...