The greatest unsolved, untold, and unknown Mysteries of Jesus Christ are finally accessed and unfolded after 2000 years. DARK SECRET UNVEILED. This is the most incredible book in human history, capable enough to emancipate your soul. It exposes and encrypts the very seal of Christ's hidden mystery and legacy; without any secret or defending course. Revealing the truth of a man who lived and called Emmanuel, unbound to hearsay, stories, and religion, answering both avoided and sheltered life, solving the unsolved mysterious Jesus.
This book connects you to the world beyond, knowing why and how it all began. It takes over a decade to get inside the mystery surrounding Jesus Christ. There are Seven (7) powerful secrets about Jesus' life namely: The Secret of His Conception, Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, and Kingship.
You can't afford to miss reading the entire book. It's meticulously inspired and connected beyond men's perception and wisdom. When engaged, it becomes unfeasible to lend to a friend. As a result of this, this book is considered the "Greatest Secret Untold." Get the book to unravel the hidden secret.
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