I don't think anyone wants to be a dull person, every single person on planet earth wants to be creative in one way or the other .Fathers and Mothers would most especially want their children to be the creative ones, and this can be done with reading and implementing the tips recorded on this book.
Creativity involves the use of imagination and originality to come up with something that has value. Inorder to access or manifest creativity, there are varieties of things to put in place in your life.
Creativity can be expressed in many different ways, such as through art, writing, music, dance, problem-solving, or other forms of communication and expression. Some people are more naturally creative than others, but everyone has the ability to be creative to some degree. In this book there are also many techniques and practices that will help stimulate the creativity in you, By just following the steps and tips, you will probably be the most Creative person of all time..