In Seeding a Common Future, celebrated environmental and anti-globalization activist Vandana Shiva takes on the Billionaires Club of Gates and others, whose blindness to the destructive impact of their ideas of progress has wrought great harm across the world. Even as poverty and malnutrition, a refugee crisis, and social unrest have become our lived reality, the wealthiest one percent have pushed the planet to the social and ecological brink. In Seeding a Common Future, Shiva exposes the one percent's model of philanthrocapitalism--deploying unaccountable money to bypass democratic structures, derail diversity, and impose totalitarian ideas.
"One of the world's most prominent radical scientists" (The Guardian), a "rock star" (Bill Moyers) in the anti-GMO movement, and "a burst of creative energy, an intellectual" (The Progressive), Vandana Shiva is a crusader for farmers', low-wage workers', and women's rights. The winner of numerous major international awards and named by Time, The Guardian, Forbes, and Asia Week as one of the world's most important activists, she has exposed the destructive effects of the corporate monopolization of agriculture, fought to defend biodiversity and food democracy, and revealed the links between ecology, gender, and poverty. Seeding a Common Future is her powerful manifesto.