Take a tour through the Old Testament tabernacle with Pastor Adrian Rogers. Room-by-room and artifact-by-artifact, you will discover the spiritual
significance of the extraordinary portable worship center the Israelites carried through the desert after their exodus from Egypt. Rather than relying
on extra-biblical commentary, Pastor Rogers uses Scripture to shine light on Scripture. You'll see how every detail of the tabernacle, and the worship that took place there, pointed to the Lord Jesus Christ who "tabernacled among us." And you'll better understand the beautiful mystery of God's dwelling
place in and with His people-the Church.
-ABOUT THE AUTHOR: In today's fast-paced, self-focused world, it's difficult to find quality biblical teaching, let alone teaching that simplifies profound truth so it can be applied to everyday lives. At LOVE WORTH FINDING, we understand that struggle and seek to help Christians grow deeper in their faith through the timeless teachings of pastor, teacher, and author ADRIAN ROGERS.
-ABOUT THE PUBLISHER: Innovo Publishing LLC is an independent publisher of Christian and wholesome titles, and is located near Memphis, TN. Since 2008, Innovo has published quality books, eBooks, audiobooks, music, screenplays, film, and online and physical curricula that support the Great Commission, equip believers, and help create a positive Christian worldview. Innovo's capabilities and global reach provide Christian authors, artists, and ministries access to the world for Christ. To learn more about Innovo Publishing, visit our website at innovopublishing.com. To connect with other Christian Creatives and to learn best practices for creating, publishing, marketing, and selling Christian titles, visit the Christian Publishing Portal at cpportal.com