Joseph Cardinal Bernardin is widely regarded as having had more impact on the Catholic Church in the United States than any other bishop this century. By the time of his death in 1996 he had attracted the respect and affection of millions around the world. Selected Works of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin provides in two volumes the "essential" Bernardin for those interested in the faith, ecclesial vision, and pastoral insights of this great church leader.
This second volume, Church and Society, is at the very heart of the Cardinal Bernardin's teaching ministry with selected talks on the six areas that are most often associated with his name: peacemaking, consistent ethic of life, religion and society, health care, Catholic-Jewish dialogue, and the Catholic Common Ground Initiative. This volume also contains addresses on such favorite topics of Bernardin's as ecclesial vision and mission, evangelization, Catholic education, religion and spirituality, pastoral ministry, and pastoral outreach.
Volume 2 is divided into two parts. Part One: The Life of Society includes the following articles under the heading Peacemaking: "1983 Albert Einstein Peace Laureate," "Memorial Service in Honor of the 55th Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King," "The Church in the Public Life of the Nation: The American Bishops' Pastoral Letter," "The Challenge of Peace: Ecumenical Roots and Relationships, Paul Wattson Ecumenical Seminal and Lecture Series," "The Challenge of Peace: Genesis, Principles and Perspectives of the American Bishops' Pastoral Letter," "Dialogue as Universal Foundation of Peace," "Ordering Our Destiny: Politics, Strategy, and Ethics," and "A Century of Social Teaching."
Articles included under the heading A Consistent Ethic of Life: "A Consistent Ethic of Life: An American-Catholic Dialogue," "The Death Penalty: An International Human Rights Issue," "The Fact of Poverty Today: A Challenge for the Church," "Seattle University, Seattle, Washington Address," "University of Illinois Health Care Community Address," and "The Consistent Ethic of Life."
Articles included under the heading Religion and Society: "The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World: Its Impact on the Social Teaching of the U.S. Bishops," "Chicago Historical Society Address," "Vatican II's Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Revisited--25 Years Later," "Catholic Identity: Resolving Conflicting Expectations," "The Catholic Church and U.S. Culture," "Tolerance in Society and Church," and "Remarks on the White House Lawn After Reception of the Medal of Freedom."
Articles included under the heading Health Care: "The Consistent Ethic of Life and Health Care Systems," "Spanning the Barriers: Catholic Health Care in a World of Need," "The Consistent Ethic of Life and Health Care Reform," "Making the Case for Not-for-Profit Health Care," and "Renewing the Covenant with Patients and Society."
Articles included under the heading Catholic-Jewish Dialogue: "The Chicago Board of Rabbis and the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Address," "Twentieth Anniversary Celebration of Nostra Aetate," "Center for Jewish and Christian Learning Address," "Reception of Tree of Life Award, Jewish National Fund," "Anti-Semitism: The Historical Legacy and Continuing Challenge for Christians," and "Jewish Federation of Chicago Address."
Articles included under the heading Catholic Common Ground Initiative: "Initial Press Conference Remarks," "Question-and-Answer Format Response," and "Faithful and Hopeful: The Catholic Common Ground Project."
Part Two: The Life of the Church includes the following articles under the heading Ecclesial Vision and Mission: "'The Church's New Self-Understanding, ' Symposium on the 20th Anniversary of Vatican II," "'Changing Styles of Episcopal Leadership, ' Centennial Conference of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore," "Satisfying the Hungers of the World's Children: Eucharist: Call to Unity and Peace," "The Catholic University of America Address," "'The Church in the Third Millennium: Age-Old Values and New Challenges, ' The Eugene M. Burke, CSP, Lectureship in Religion and Society," "'The Assembly: Basis for Liturgical Renewal, ' Southwest Liturgical Conference," "A Pastor's Vision, Parish Vitality Day," and "A Vision of Church: Local Church and Universal Church."
Articles included under the heading Evangelization: "A Day in His Name," "'Evangelization: Integrating Focus of All Ministry, ' Catholic Evangelization Program," "Evangelization: Integrating Focus of All Ministry," "'Lay Ministry and Evangelization: Sent to Be a Blessing and Blessing the Ones Sent, ' Archdiocesan Conference on Religious Education," "'Evangelizing the Active Catholic, ' Pentecost '87, A National Satellite Celebration of Catholic Evangelization," and "'A Vision of Evangelization As We Approach a New Millennium, ' Congress '88, An Ecumenical Festival of Evangelism."
Articles included under the heading Education/Catholic Education: "Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois Address," "Catholic Principals' Association Address," "Newman Centennial Address," "High School Principals Address," and "'Catholic Education?Alive and Well, ' Malcolm Sharp Memorial Lecture."
Articles included under the heading Religion and Spirituality: "Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Men and Holy Name Societies," "Spiritual Convocation of Priests of the Archdiocese of Newark," "The Spirituality of the Priest," "Priests of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Address," "Second Monday Club of O'Hare Address," "Priests of the Diocese of Charleston Address," and "'Whoever Is in Christ, Is a New Creation, ' Young Adult Catechesis, World Youth Day '93."
Articles included under the heading Pastoral Ministry: "'Pastoral Care of the Separated, Divorced and