Semi-logarithmic graph paper Mix of 1-Cycle 1/2″,1/4″,1/5″
Notebook Content:
-30 graph 5x5 pages (15 sheets)
-30 pages of semi-log graph 1-Cycle 1/2″ and graph paper 5x5 on the back of the semi-log pages (15 sheets)
-30 pages of semi-log graph 1-Cycle 1/4″ and graph paper 5x5 on the back of the semi-log pages (15 sheets)
-30 pages of semi-log graph 1-Cycle 1/5″ and graph paper 5x5 on the back of the semi-log pages (15 sheets)
With this content mix, we wanted to maximize the usage of the notebook and create space for note-taking during courses.
120 pages, 60 sheets, 8.5x11 (A4) format