The media are crawling with supposed experts in education, most of them at right-wing think tanks, who claim that public education in the US has declined in recent decades, and is terrible compared with other countries. Gerald Bracey shows that there has been no serious recent decline in public education in the US, and that the US is about average by comparison with other advanced countries. This puts him at odds with conservatives...
This book addresses many of the current misconceptions about education. I have enjoyed reading it very much. It is a bit liberal however. I do not think a conservative will enjoy it.
There's little question where Bracey stands with this book. Still it has good information educators need.
Gerald W. Bracey is one of few authors today who isn't afraid to confront the exquisitely orchestrated and deeply financed campaign to eradicate public education in this country. "Setting the Record Straight" is his latest contribution exposing the hidden agenda that is at the root of the accountability movement. Bracey identifies 17 misconceptions about public education. Each chapter begins with a capsule Q-A format...
People from all sides of the education issue need to read this book. It is well designed and dispels many of the criticisms often presented during arguments (debates). Of course, with any statistical data, one can find faults, but Bracey does a pretty good job of covering all his bases.Even if you disagree with Bracey and others who think the education system is just being attacked, you should read this book. At least then,...