After accepting a contract from a thieves guild known as the "Shadow Brave" in the port city of Nophus, a young Kardethian named Tialmak quickly finds himself fighting for his life. With a leap of faith, his life became linked to the central coast's future and its people's survival.
In the west, the Dwarves of Bas Kuldor struggle against the endless horde of Oruc, A twisted and monstrous race that seeks only blood for their creator. In the south, the Drakesworn have begun their march against the largest army on the central coast, the Scar Guard of Alora, and their Archdruid commander, their goals unclear. Under all this, the guild war rages on, thieves, murderers, and assassins vying for power in every city, each seeking to control the flow of narcotics, smuggling, and information within the coast.