Which Highland glen was famous for its whisky smugglers? Who said: 'If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.'? How many times is Irish whisky normally distilled? What do Armagnac and the French musketeer d'Artagnan have in common?
Such questions abound in Shaken, not Stirred, the brilliant quiz book for trivia-loving bibulous friends. There are 500 questions in 50 themed sections embracing wine, beer, spirits, cocktails, liqueurs, drinking terms and toasts, as well as drink-related songs, movies, fiction, advertising slogans and famous quotes. This compilation of spirituous delights is the ultimate boozy companion to the foodie quiz book Everything But the Oink! and promises many entertaining evenings when sharing a bottle or two. As Benjamin Franklin said: There cannot be good living where there is no good drinking!