We are speaking of God
'in whom we live and move and have our being'. (Acts 17:28)
How to understand and describe the mystery we call God is central to all major religious traditions.
Within the history of Christianity, our understandings have been shaped by two thousand years of creeds, liturgies and catechisms; yet central to it all is how the Bible and specifically the New Testament offers insights and experiences of the God who is key to our existence and how we are to live.
This book focuses on Jesus of Nazareth. Confessed as Son of God, his life and his teachings offer his disciples and followers a particular way of understanding God and our relationship with God. These are key features of the Gospels, not simply as records of what happened in the life of Jesus but directions about how we are to share his faith in God; and how that sharing shapes our lives, our expectations and our values.
The book invites us to explore with humility our need for God in our lives and, uniquely, to be guided by the teachings and experiences of Jesus, expressed in the New Testament and celebrated in our liturgical gatherings. There, we recall God's faithful love for Jesus, and through him for all of us who are graced to share his faith.
This is a book that explores faith in God through the unique experience of his Son; and encourages us, his followers, to share that faith and to confess it with confidence and love.