Shikido is a fictional love tragedy that takes place on the islands of Nippon in AD 1400. Shikido is a ninja emissary, and as one of his missions, he must infiltrate a shogun's household of samurai. His true identity is, of course, disguised, and he courts a princess. But a lady-in-waiting of the same samurai household falls deeply in love with Shikido.
By carefully observing him, she discovers he is indeed a ninja working for the emperor, the lordship of the kingdom. To win Shikido's affections, she secretly steals away to a ryu to train to be a female kunoichi.
Her name is Yukiko, and her mission is to capture the love of the Consummate Warrior Shikido But she must risk all, her loyalty and life, to the samurai family she serves, and her delicate heart may suffer, even in the shade of the pear tree.
There are hidden identities and secrets that will be revealed, and Shikido must court as his assignment from the emperor in Kyoto the Princess Kinu.
The servant girl, Yukiko, and Princess Kinu will be faced with choices that may involve seppuku, and the way of the Japanese samurai and ninja will collide.
In the settings of the Japanese seaside, mountains, rivers