If you ever have tough decisions to make (and who doesn't?), then this really is the book for you. If those decisions include stark binary choices-stay or go? this path or that path? speak out or keep quiet?-then this book will give you a simple, powerful strategy for getting to the crux of your dilemma.
Many of us agonise over big decisions (and not so big ones!). We can struggle for weeks, even years to make up our minds, and then we may still not be satisfied with the choice we make when we finally do. Why?
Michael Waters contends, very convincingly, that it has more to do with the method we use than the decision itself. It's the method most of us use and it's inherently flawed. As Dr Waters shows, while it can help us move towards a decision it often leaves us frustrated and uncertain as to what it should be.
The book is packed with real-life case studies of the many people that Dr Waters has helped to make tough decisions with confidence and conviction. Once you've discovered the way to do this yourself, you may never find any decision so tough again.
And there's a bonus: Dr Waters also provides a simple, all-purpose strategy for making choices when the options are abundant or almost limitless. "Too much" choice is another headache for many of us, so a simple method for managing it is much to be welcomed.