Based in Southeast DC, Shyt List is an explicit street tale about what occurs the moment revelation and revenge meet.
When Yvonna's ghetto-fabulous world is rocked after the brutal murder of her high school sweetheart at the hands of her father, she learns a lot about the people around her. Behind her back they conceal a sultry secret involving her best friend and deceased boyfriend. Unable to move past her anger, which eventually results in a major car accident, she leaves DC for Baltimore, where she nourishes the hate she feels inside.
Four years later, angrier and crazier than ever, Yvonna returns home to exact revenge on those who made what she affectionately refers to as her Shyt List. From defecating on a gravesite to murder, Yvonna reigns supreme at completing her mission of destroying their lives. That is until she reaches the last name on the list. With him, her plans are difficult to carry out. Will the love she feels for him prevent her from following through with her plan? Or will old memories push her to go even further?