Sign Me Up Imagine it: prospects actually asking you to email your marketing information to them. At a time when people are reluctant to give out their email addresses and skeptical of most email, it's harder than ever for legitimate marketers to separate their emails from spam. Not anymore.
This informative book reveals the secrets behind running a permission-based email newsletter program that motivates customers and prospects to sign up for your emails and respond to your messages. It shows you how you can use email to Sell more products and services Boost customer satisfaction and loyalty Attract new customers to your products and services
Sign Me Up delivers valuable insights and ideas on creating and sustaining an email newsletter program. It's packed with real-world examples from eBay,, CoolSavings, iVillage, BabyCenter, and more.
Use email to your advantage in the new media landscape by learning how toWrite and design great newsletters Build and maintain responsive and targeted lists Increase response to every email you send Test and measure the effectiveness of your email program Make sure your messages reach the inbox
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