How and what you eat depends both on the resources offered by the territory and on family habits and the relationship that is behind people and food. An adage says: "you are what you eat, so don't be fast, cheap, easy or fake."
Traditional diets are based on decreasing calories, a highly effective approach for those who want to lose excess weight. On the other hand, however, there is an increase in the desire for prohibited foods from a psychological point of view, with binge eating that risks frustrating the work done with the diet. To avoid this frustration, Sirt Diet intervenes to help, because it is based on the inclusion and not on the exclusion of food, without renunciations.
The tips for a proper diet start from looking for strong motivation. Dieting is, first and foremost, a commitment to yourself. The first person you must deal with is not the dietician, the partner, the parent, the general practitioner, but it is yourself. Those who need to lose weight are aware that the path to be taken will be long, emotionally tiring.
This book covers:
- The Scientific Basis Of Sirt Diet
- The Power Of Skinny Gene
- Fat And Muscle
- Sirt Diet And Physical Exercise
- Top 20 Sirtfood
- Health Benefits Of Sirtfood Diet
- Weight Loss And Your Health.
- Building A Diet That Works
- What Do I Do After The Diet? How To "Sirtify" Your Lifestyle
And Much more.
As regards nutrition, prevention of eating must start from childhood. It should become a heritage for the personal culture of every human being.
The Sirt diet, the low-calorie diet par excellence, is inclusive, assumes a socio-sanitary function, and at the same time, acts as food therapy.
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