Master skills in a simulated hospital electronic medical record before working in actual hospital practice Nearly 100 exercises and activities in this practice manual correspond to LaFleur Brooks' Health Unit Coordinating, 7th Edition and provide hands-on experience by specifying necessary skills, as well as the materials and steps you need to practice them. Plus, the online electronic health record that comes with this manual gives you realistic practice working on hospital computer system to help you hone skills you'll use in the field
Standard organization for each activity provides a record of the tasks to be completed, such as: materials needed, situation, directions, and check lists. Relevant practice orders include additional scenarios to give you more practice with relevant skills. Printable physicians orders allow simulation for both the EHR and paper environment. Ordering requisitions appendix can be used for activities requiring the online EHR when a computer is not available. Handwritten doctors' orders give you practice deciphering poor handwriting samples Clinical Evaluation Record provides a written record of your performance in the clinical setting. NEW Online access to a working Electronic Health Record gives you realistic hands-on practice entering orders; admitting, transferring, and discharging patients; processing patient and order inquiries; canceling orders; entering lab and diagnostic imaging results; completing patient profiles, doctor's rosters, and chart forms. NEW Fully updated directions provides the most up-to-date information on order transcription, forms and orders, and skills evaluations that reflect working in an EHR environment.