Slap Him with a Fish is a crash course in the craft of fiction for beginning to intermediate fiction writers.
Written by an indie author and writing instructor and made to address often-asked questions from the author's students and fellow writers, this handbook covers an assortment of writing topics. Told in a conversational, easily digested format, this book provides an in-depth look at the craft of fiction with a practical yet encouraging perspective.
Topics covered include:
What Makes a Story "Work"Creating Emotional ImpactThe Writing ProcessTerminologyGenres and Genre ExpectationsThe True Meaning of Show, Don't TellBackstory and the Iceberg TheorySignificant Detail versus Excess DetailWriting for an AudienceHow Characters, Setting, Plot, and Theme InterconnectHooking Your ReaderCrafting Realistic Conflict & Building Story TensionThematic Threads and Emotional ResonanceUsing Description in Your StoryUsing Exposition in Your StoryPoint of View (POV)Narrative Style & Authorial VoiceCrafting Strong DialogueMaking Every Word CountWorldbuildingDeveloping CharactersPlotting & PlanningBasic Story StructureDrafting: Tips for getting startedThe Magic of "Flow"Surviving the SuckHow To Finish That First Draft!Editing/RewritingTips for Self-EditingChoosing a Title and Writing a Blurb/DescriptionPublishing OptionsAnd more!Grab this handy resource now and level up your skills in the craft of fiction.