Why do you get sleepy? When you feel tired, your body is telling you that it needs a rest. Everyone needs sleep. Babies need lots of sleep. Grown-ups need less. But no one can go without sleep for long. A team of scientists stayed awake for as long as they could to see what could happen. Read and find out some wide-eyed facts about the science of shut-eye. This nonfiction picture book is an excellent choice to share during homeschooling, in particular for children ages 4 to 6. It's a fun way to learn to read and as a supplement for activity books for children.
This is a Level One Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science title, which means the book explores more challenging concepts for children in the primary grades and supports the Common Core Learning Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) standards. Let's-Read-and-Find-Out is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series.